Kicking off 2023 With the Leos!
Written by Leo Nicole
The 86th Annual Student Speaker Contest
The 86th Annual Student Speaker Contest, sponsored by the California Lions Club Multiple District Four and hosted by the Merced Breakfast Lions Club, kicked off with the club-level contest on February 9th. This year's topic was "Social Media: Connects Us or Isolates Us?” After listening to the four contestants, judges chose Leo Olivia from Merced High School as the winner and she advanced to the zone contest.
Left to Right: Judge Michelle Smith; Contestants: Leo Areesha, Leo Ethan, Leo Olivia, Leo Nana; Judge Fred Michaelis
Cioppino Dinner
Leos from Merced High and El Capitan High served food, sold raffle tickets, and auctioned off items to raise money for the Merced Breakfast Lions Club. They had a lot of fun at this event and the volunteers were rewarded by a weekend pizza party to celebrate their hard work!
Lions District 4-A1 Meeting
The Lions District 4-A1 Meeting was held at the Veterans Memorial Building on March 4th. It was a great opportunity to meet other Lions such as District Governor Doug Campbell, First Vice District Governor Claudia Miller, Second Vice District Governor Eric Cheung, Cabinet Secretary Susan Newman, Cabinet Treasurer Pat Casey-Gillum, Immediate Past District Governor Gabrielle McKechnie, and the Yosemite Region Chair, Karla Gran.
The webmaster/social media director of the El Capitan Leo Club, Nicole, and the co-secretary, Jessica, gave a presentation about marketing Lions and Leo Clubs using Instagram. They gave a short tutorial showing the basics of Instagram, talked about their experience with Leos, and shared ideas for community involvement. Afterward, they were awarded a $200 check for their club. Here is the link to the presentation!
Leo Co-Secretary Jessica, Leo Webmaster Nicole, 1st Vice District Governor Claudia Miller, and El Capitan Club Advisor Gary
Leo Spring Dance and Valentines Bonding Night
On March 4th, the El Capitan Leo Club hosted a spring dance at Arnold’s Barn and invited Leos from Golden Valley, Buhach, and Merced High. There was a live DJ, free snacks, a photobooth, and a mocktail bar that everyone enjoyed. (Mango Sunsets were the absolute favorite!) Leos had a chance to mingle, admire the delicate almond blossoms, and party the night away.
Another fun social event that took place was the Valentine's Bonding Night! It started as a dinner potluck, and then we had many love-themed games and activities. “Finish the Lyrics” and the “Great Wind Blows” were the most popular.
El Capitan High School Leo Club Board Members at Spring Dance
Yummy Appetizers at the Spring Dance
A great turnout at the Valentines Day Bonding Night
Parker’s Prom
Parker’s Prom is a dance dedicated to all kids in the Central Valley who are battling cancer and are receiving treatment at Valley Children’s Hospital, ages 2 through 19, along with their siblings. Leos volunteered in Chowchilla and assisted with organizing games and handing out prizes to the children. Their adorable smiles and energetic aura really made this event memorable!
Dressed to Impress Leo Volunteers from Golden Valley and El Capitan High Schools